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education in australia中文是什么意思

用"education in australia"造句"education in australia"怎么读"education in australia" in a sentence


  • 澳大利亚教育


  • V : is there religious education in australia
    (澳大利亚有宗教课吗? )
  • The curricula and design of the pre - school education in australia
  • A study of strategies for ensuring teaching quality of higher education in australia
  • Thetrend of internationalization of higher education in australia and its enlightenment
  • Based on analyzing the vocational education in australia , the paper puts forward some suggestions to develop our vocational education
  • Motivated by the author ' s study experience in australia , the paper introduces relatively perfect vocational education training system and advanced idea on vocational education in australia
  • Focusing on the roles and problems of education , this article provides comprehensive analysis on the relation between rural labor force transformation and education in australia , malaysia , bangladesh and china
  • The thesis is going to make a brief introduction of empirical of distance higher education in australia and attempt to analyse its features in order to provide suggestions for the development of distance higher education in china
  • In the context of lifelong learning , distance higher education in australia has developed very maturely and formed its own distinguishing characters in schooling model 、 schooling size and the use of modern information technology
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